1. Doomworld Forums 3 - Doomworld /idgames database frontend
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2. Why is it so difficult to get an account here? - Forums - Doomworld
Jan 21, 2015 · About 3 new accounts per day on average, as it seems. Also, since I registered, I think there was at least one cleanup, apparently resulting in ...
Time and time again I've heard stories of people trying to create Doomworld accounts only for them to be eternally stuck in limbo, sometimes with an established member having to vouch for them in order for them to gain entry. Is there any particular reason for that being the way it is?
3. Doomworld Forums 3 - The Doom Wiki at DoomWiki.org
Walkthrough · Speedrunning · Statistics
Doomworld Forums 3 is a two-level PWAD for Doom II requiring the ZDoom source port that was created by Anonymous. The first map is a "short graphical novella" while the second level is playable. It received the Mockaward for best comedy WAD at the 2004 Cacowards.
4. Doomworld: Forums
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See AlsoWww VentuskyCombat Shock 2
5. Doom 3 - Forums - Doomworld
NEW WORLD RECORDS in Doom 3 and its add-ons.
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6. Doomworld Forum 3 - ZDoom Wiki
Dec 10, 2010 · For more information on this article, visit the Doomworld Forum 3 page on the Doom Wiki. Doomworld Forum 3. Author, Anonymous. Port · ZDoom.
7. Logs for 'Doomworld Forums 3' - Backloggd
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8. Doomworld Forum Adventures! - The Doom Wiki at DoomWiki.org
Walkthrough · Speedrunning · Statistics
Doomworld Forum Adventures! is a single-level PWAD for Doom II. It was designed by Mike Watson (Cyb) for the ZDoom source port. The par time defined in MAPINFO is 1:30.